Gylfi Einarsson, fyrrverandi landsliðsmaður í knattspyrnu
Gylfi Einarsson fyrrverandi knattspyrnumaður lagði fótboltaskóna á hilluna árið 2011 vegna meiðsla i mjöðmum. Konan hans benti honum þá á kollagen bætiefnin frá Feel Iceland en...
Ragnheiður Vernharðsdóttir
„Móðurhlutverkið snýst um jafnvægi – þetta er ferðalag stútfullt af ást og kærleika, sem byrjar hjá sjálfri þér“ Ragnheiður Vernharðsdóttir er 4 barna móðir, líkamsræktarþjálfari,...
Helga Guðný Theodórs, stofnandi NúnaCo Wellness stúdíó og Barre kennari
Barre kennarinn Helga Guðný Theodórs opnaði stúdíóið Núna Collective Wellness Studio sumarið 2022, en Barre er blanda af pilates, jóga- og styrktaræfingum, gerðar á dýnu og við...
"I think of my health like a bank account."
"If I don't take good care of my health, there is no basis for what I want to do, and this applies whether people are...
The collagen is and will be part of my morning routine
Ásta Kristjánsdóttir has suffered from arthritis since she was 20, but with the intake of the collagen from Feel Iceland, the stiffness in her joints...
Professional handball player for 23 years
Alexander Petersson has been taking nutritional supplements from Feel Iceland for two years and says they have helped him extend his athletic career, which now...
Celebrate the fall routine
"I had also tried many things with the work, but I never found a difference until with the collagen from Feel Iceland" Magnea Huld, Icelandic...